Jumelles Infrarouges de Vision Nocturne Zoom Numérique 4x 3W 850NM Jumelles Infrarouges pour la Surveillance de Reconnaissance Camping Chasse Nocturne Voile et Pêche

Modèle : KF33.022

  • 129.99
Étoiles 5   2
Works great
Was easy to set up. Really cool that it can use an SD card (which are not included) and USB cable for the computer. Taking pictures is easy. I didn't realize I had 3 rats running around. Now I can see where they are getting into the house. These pictures were taken within 30 min of me opening the box and learning how it works. We will enjoy this when we go camping and want to see those things that make noise in the dark.
Works great Works great Works great
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